No salmon but the lingcod were happy to see us.

It was a beautiful day out on the water. The wind was down, the sun was out and the swell was small. Unfortunately the salmon did not want to bite for Captain Aaron, Crew Wesley and crew. Ghost II returned to the dock with 7 lingcod to 17lbs and 26 good grade rockfish. The day started offshore in 330ft of water west of Bodega Head. After spending the morning trolling south it was time to catch some lingcod. The lingcod took Pitbull Tackle deadfall jigs and swim baits in 180ft of water. Overall it was a great day with some very good friends. I hope to see this group back on the water for some great bites later this season. If you want to get out on Ghost II call capt. Aaron at (707)971-0847 or book here at